The modern era of show jumping began in the 1950s. It was a new era with the advent of synthetic fibers, plastics, and synthetic drugs. With that came new synthetic materials such as nylon, polyester, etc. All these innovations led to new types of synthetic jumping surfaces as well as synthetic materials for riding apparel.Fast forward to the present day and we find that synthetic materials have evolved even further with the advent of new fabrics and materials such as carbon, e-glass, basalt sand, and others. This has led to a new wave of synthetic materials that are being used for everything from indoor boards to indoor artificial turf to even synthetic horse racing surfaces such as synthetic turf.This article discusses some of these materials and shares some insight into what the future may hold for show jumping in general.

What is synthetic sand?

Sand is a naturally occurring substance that is made up of tiny grains of different minerals and other materials. Synthetic sand is a type of sand that uses materials such as metals, plastics, and other substances to create a synthetic material that closely resembles sand.Synthetic sand is sometimes referred to as “artificial sand” or “sand-like material”. It is often used for sandboxes, play areas, and other places where sand is not naturally available due to natural sand being too rough or too heavy for that application.Synthetic sand has also found its way into indoor and outdoor artificial turf. It is usually used for the infill in artificial turf to add stability and support in areas where grass could not grow without being too thick.

Synthetic materials like carbon and basalt sand

Synthetic materials such as carbon and basalt sand are becoming more and more common in show jumping arenas and synthetic sand is being used for indoor playing fields such as indoor artificial turf. Both carbon sand and basalt sand are naturally occurring materials that are found on the ocean floor. They are now being used for indoor and outdoor show jumping arenas because they are non-toxic, lightweight, and strong.Carbon sand is made from petroleum-based synthetic resins that are compressed and heated until they are hard and resemble sand.Basalt sand is made from basalt rock that is mined and then treated with chemicals to make it hard and smooth. Both materials are very strong, lightweight, and non-toxic. They can be used to create indoor and outdoor sand surfaces for show jumping.

E-glass sand

E-glass sand is a synthetic material that can be used to create indoor sand-like surfaces for sports, play areas, and other indoor applications. E-glass sand is made from a proprietary fabric that can be combined with other materials such as sand, sand-like materials, and cement to create various combinations of materials for indoor or outdoor synthetic sand surfaces.


The modern era of show jumping began in the 1950s. It was a new era with the advent of synthetic fibers, plastics, and synthetic drugs. With that came new synthetic materials such as nylon, polyester, etc. All these innovations led to new types of synthetic materials that are now being used for everything from indoor boards to indoor artificial turf to even synthetic horse racing.This article discusses some of these materials and shares some insight into what the future may hold for show jumping in general.